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The Figurative Painting of Costa Dvorezky

 The figurative painting of Costa Dvorezky

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This sense play and authenticity is enhanced by the violent slashes of the pallet knife across the still-wet canvas, which further assert the impulsive creativity of the artist.
 In his imagery, Costa dispenses with the vocabulary of conventional Western symbolism and invites us to engage our imaginations to find the truth of his subjects – a truth that is made more present through the sensuality of the painting than would be apparent if they were described in words or if we stood in their company. He constructs his own language and through it we are given a means to reflect upon the relationships of the figures.

Costa Dvorezky uses the techniques of impressionism and abstract expressionism, and the strong contrast of sharply lit bodies against deep shadows we might attribute to Caravaggio, and yet his work is distinctly contemporary and fresh, building on tradition without being limited by it. 

h/t: Art Gallery AFK


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