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Anne Mondro Spends 1000s Of Hours Crocheting Wire Into Anatomically Correct Heart

Anne Mondro Spends 1000sOf Hours Crocheting Wire Into Anatomically Correct Hear

  More:  stamps

Artist Anne Mondro is putting the art in heart with these amazing anatomically correct hearts. She makes them by crocheting tinned copper wire and we’re sure you’ll agree that the results are nothing short of spectacular.Mondro is an Associate Professor at the School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. She spent about a year researching the anatomy of a heart in order to ensure that her art was as anatomically correct as possible. She figured out how to make her hearts using 3D modeling software and she complemented the process by spending time in the university anatomy laboratory.

“This piece is very personal,” explains the artist. “I’ve been working with older adults with memory loss and their caregivers. It’s so intense to be a caregiver. When you care for a loved one, the two of you become intertwined. You take on their vulnerabilities but also their strengths. As I thought about that relationship, it was important that these forms be tied together somehow.”
(h/t: Boredpandaand  Modahaus)

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