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(NSFW) The Morbid Universe Of 山本タカトTakato Yamamoto

The Morbid Universe Of Takato Yamamoto


The exquisite art of Takato Yamamoto (1960-) explores themes of darkness, bondage, metamorphosis, love and death. The perspective is always calm and serene - never depicting violence - rather, it is impending or just completed. Experimented, refined and developed his Ukiyo-e Pop style to create his "Heisei Estheticism" style, producing illustrations for mainly esthetic novels, fantasy novels, sensual novels

h/t : Kai Fine Art and Juxtapoz

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AesthesiaMag site dedicated to the art with an eclectic cultural content.Your recommended dose of art, design, photography, illustration, dark art, pop culture, fashion, surrealism, all contemporary art and much more. (NSFW)